Monday, October 31, 2016


Phil Philson: Hubris Consulting, home of superfluous titles, inaccurate job descriptions, questionable ethics, and zany costumes! We're here for the 35th annual RC Cola™ Office Halloween Party Costume Competition, where adults careening towards middle age temporarily embrace a facade of youthful exuberance by dressing as ironically humorous characters while battling unironic mid-life crises.

Boom Boom: Chill with the big words, bro.

Phil: As always, I'm joined by my partner, Buster "Boom Boom" McDougal. How are you doing tonight, Boom Boom?

Boom: I'd be better if I wasn't consistently court-ordered to provide commentary for random shit.

Phil: That's right, Boom, the energy here is electric. And a big part of that energy is thanks to our longtime sponsor RC Cola™. RC Cola™, when literally no other drink is available. This year's OHPCC is primed to be one of the most competitive Halloween office parties in recent memory. Not since the great Crow vs Duffman clashes of the mid 90s have we had so many fierce competitors. 

Boom: We got everything from sexy superheroes to insanely accurate superheroes. You see that dude in the Iron Man suit with working rocket boots? Does he even work here?

Phil: I am being told that not only does he not work for Hubris Consulting, he does not reside in this state. Apparently he has been flying around the country fighting crime.

Boom: Aaaaaand he just flew away. 

Phil: Our first contestant of the evening - or should I say, first contestants- is a group of Harley Quinns. Far and away the most popular costume of the evening, for expediency's sake we have grouped all 16 Harleys as one competitor.

Boom: Still not as bad as that time when half the office came dressed as Elsa from Frozen.  

Phil: Unfortunately with so many dressed as the same character, this is really going to hurt their originality scores. Tough break for these ladies and one gentleman. 

Boom: Except for that one. Harley number 12, you see her? Jesus. She got that double take booty. She got that "ay bro, I'ma call you back," booty. She got that 9/11 never forget booty. 

Phil: On that note we would like to extend our condolences to all the families affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Truly a day filled with sorrow, but what better way to drown your sorrows than with a nice, room temperature RC Cola™? RC Cola™, because you've already given up on life. Moving along our next two contestants are the reigning Couples Costume champions, dressed tonight as the formidable political music duo Daft Trump and Hill Khalifa.

Boom: The glowing electric hair on Daft Trump is wonderfully executed, but what really puts this couple over the top is how Hill Khalifa has combined all the elements that make Wiz a fuckboy with all the elements that make Hillary a shit human being. 

Phil: Tattoo covered pantsuit was an excellent decision, as was the giant bag that says "deleted emails." Our third contestant is sporting tonight's first completely original costume, with a character of his own design. And he is... oh boy.

Boom: Your dick is out, bro.

Contestant 3: You mean my dicks are out. 

Boom: What the actual fuck?

Contestant 3: I'm Tri Dick, the Man with Three Dicks. He's an OC and the main protagonist from my Harry Potter fan fiction. In the latest story he gets into a disagreement with Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and Snape, and solves it the only way Tri Dick knows how.

Phil: While I'm sure it makes for riveting storytelling, your costume clearly breaks the no nudity clause of the contest, so I'm afraid you are disqualified. Next up we have Father... bear with me, Gascoigne? 

Contestant 4: It's pronounced Father "Gass-coin." He's the first main boss from the critically acclaimed PS4 exclusive, Bloodborne. Father Gascoigne is actually a very tragic character. You see, for some time now the good Father has been losing his grip on reality, and on the night of The Hunt he does the unthinkable and gives into his beastly instincts, allowing himself to be completely engulfed in bloodlust, after accidentally killing his own wife, who had forgotten to bring the music box used to revert him back-

Boom: You've only been talking for like 20 seconds and I already genuinely hate you. 

Phil: The hat is well crafted, Boom, good eye. Contestant number 5 is the Bride of Frankenstein. I'm loving the make up application.

Contestant 5: Actually, I'm the Bride of Frankenstein's Monster, if we want to be technical.

Boom: A spade's a spade, toots.

Phil: Apologies, miss.

Contestant 5: And to be more technical, I'm dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein's Monster in a meta comedy where I'm actually the real Bride of Frankenstein's Monster but everyone just thinks I'm only dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein's Monster.

Phil: And I'm being told that contestant 5's costume has such a needlessly convoluted backstory that she wins the competition! Even though we had no less than 20 more contestants to go through!

Contestant 18: So I got dressed up as the dude from Drive for the the fifth year in a row for nothing?

Boom: I mean, you still look hella rad, bro.

Contestant 18: Thanks bro.

Phil: Contestant 5 has secured one of the most impressive, expedient wins in OHPCC history! While you're enjoying the taste of victory, contestant 5, why not enjoy the taste of an already opened RC Cola™? RC Cola™, the official drink of clinical depression. As always I'm Phil Philson and he's Buster "Boom Boom" McDougal-

Boom: Seriously man, the booty on Harley number 12...

Phil: On behalf of everyone here at Hubris Consulting, thanks for tuning in. Be sure to keep it right here for the new hit show Bees Stinging People, the only show on television that exclusively fills its runtime with bees stinging people. Thank you, and goodnight!  

Thursday, October 20, 2016


For the better part of three months I have conducted informal research into the nature of man, of good and evil, of existence. Three months spent firmly entrenched in the belly of the beast, with little but my wits and resolve to guide me through. A Faustian journey who's only accepted currency is sanity. 

I've been arguing politics with strangers on the internet. 

"But Dominic," the naysayers naysay, "your task shall bear no fruit. Trying to educate people on the internet is akin to squeezing blood from stone." First off bro, I don't know who the fuck you are and secondly, what's with all this bloody fruit rock talk? You calling me queer, you libtard jew nigger faggot? How about you take your homo rocks and get the fuck out of my country. Fucking sheeple, stay woke. 

Apologies. After so much time in comment sections of various facebook, youtube, and yahoo posts I've grown accustomed to the... customs of the belligerently retarded. To attack at the faintest of slights, the most innocuous of statements. To vehemently crucify a stranger as if packersfan85 is all that is standing between you and Valhalla.

It mattered not the subject; from Obama's birthplace to Hillary's voting record to Trump's everything, all conversations in which I partook transpired and ended the same way. Conservative/liberal caricature posts a comment on an article or video of dubious integrity, I offer a level headed rebuttal with as many sources as possible, caricature ignores evidence and doubles down on craziness, I sit back in my chair dumbfounded by such intense ignorance, scene. Nothing is learned, nothing is gained.

The memes. If it wasn't for the occasional clever meme buried within comment sections the world over, I do not think I would have had the fortitude to continue my research. Harambe alone was enough to get me through August.   

My work has brought little joy these past few months. Brushing digital shoulders with the best of the worst America has to offer, those who find hastily made white text pseudo-memes viable sources of information, has dulled me to the point that 'irate' is the only emotion I can muster when browsing online. My studies have not shed light onto a subject as much as they have confirmed a belief; we do not want to learn, we want to be right. A sobering confirmation, akin to the true nature of Santa Claus or learning your favorite actor is a Scientologist.

And yet, I soldier on, as any true activist should. Oh yes, I do consider myself an activist. Some of us work on the front lines, building affordable housing in Sudan, helping women start their own businesses in Guatemala, or teaching Tomi Lahren how to read in Dallas. Others such as myself fight the good fight against the subterranean of the internet, the old racists, the young dipshits, the blissfully ignorant and the ignorantly blissful, those with strong opinions and weak resolve. I mean, if y'all only knew how many times I've had to read "wake up sheeple" or "I'm not racist but HERE'S SOME FUCKING RACISM," you'd understand the dire necessity of people serving at the vanguard of the internet, the place where oblivion and entropy coalesce.    

And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will call thou a nigger.  

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Few days offer such a smorgasbord of mismatched emotions and misplaced xenophobia quite like September 11. At this point the itinerary is almost routine. News broadcasts and articles offer reflection in between stories of a faraway natural disaster and the size of Kanye's poop (spoiler alert, he's been getting his fiber). Sporting events will parade out any first responders yet to be claimed by asbestos for the singing of the national anthem, moment of silence, and back to watching grown men move a ball around a field. That one co-worker who twists the most tangential of relations into a story about how 9/11 really made him depressed for a solid week because he loves America THIS MUCH and seeing the good ol' US of A hurt in any capacity is just too much for his empathy meter to bear even though you can distinctly recall this insincere fuck literally walk over homeless people during your lunch break.

In our quest to never forget 9/11 the tragedy, we have remembered 9/11 the spectacle.

If there is anything we can be sure of memory, is that it will fade. If we don't forget that which must not be forgotten, we can be sure our children will, or their children will. There are kids in grade school for whom 9/11 is question #5 on a Social Studies test. Stated purpose becomes intent, intent open to interpretation. Revision. 'Never forget' is less a declaration and more a challenge.

December 7 has gone from a day which will live in infamy to about a week removed from eight maids a-milking. Memorial Day - memory could not be more implicitly encouraged - has Animorphed™ from a day of solemnity to opening weekend for a shitty summer blockbuster reboot no one asked for. I mean, how many times are we going to allow Hollywood to fuck up the X-Men?

The memory of 9/11 is disjointed and unsure in our minds, yet we do remember. What we are remembering is clear. The why is less so. 

It can't be the violent loss of civilian life, as hundreds of thousands of civilians deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and a plethora of other clusterfucks masquerading as countries have passed through our news tickers with the same frequency and gravity as weather reports. Or gorillas getting shot. Kids today tell me dead gorillas are all the rage. It can't be the loss of American life specifically, as at least 10,000 Americans have been killed by drunk drivers every year for the past 30 years, yet no showings of phony solidarity or patriotism. Not too many corny, emotionally manipulative country songs about drunk driving released either. 

No, no, the deaths themselves are not the reason. A large part, but a part. The spectacle of 9/11, the explosions, the fire, the screaming, the bravery, the tears, the demands for justice, the president's declaration of war on a concept (groundbreaking stuff), the star crossed lovers that are nation and unity, the divine purpose, all of it as personal for the man in Washington, D.C. as it is for the man in Washington state. The spectacle.

A somber memory is difficult to monetize. The memory of a spectacle, however, basically sells itself. You like french fries? Not anymore you don't, those are freedom fries. Here, have a flag lapel pin. Wouldn't want to confuse you with the enemy. Actually now that I think about it, I noticed you're not dressing like an asshole. Perhaps I could interest you in this all denim outfit emblazoned with American flags and bald eagles?

This is why I'm cynical. No opportunistic parasites are selling commemorative breast cancer plates or drunk driving fatality coins. But how quick were businesses big and small - businesses often championed by the American oligarchy as the very heart and soul of this country - to throw a rough sketch of the Twin Towers onto everything from fucking ties to overpriced wine? Never forget is what was asked of us. Difficult to forget something you put no effort into remembering in the first place.

So as the memory fades, as the solemn gives way to celebratory, all that remains is the spectacle.

I've never much enjoyed fireworks. 

Friday, July 22, 2016


I cough some more blood onto the book I am reading, and pause to give serious thought to the necessity of scheduling a doctor's appointment.

The last time I visited a doctor's office was when I broke my foot during a car accident in 2009. In the seven years since I have made it my life's goal to never see a doctor again. Have a cold? Take some medicine. Unexplainable pain running along my lower back? Take some medicine. Stabbed multiple times in the abdomen after fighting a crackhead for half a grilled cheese sandwich? Take some medicine. This regimen has served me well until a few days ago. In addition to feeling nauseous for hours at a time I have occasionally coughed blood from my mouth. After a brief foray into WebMD - every hypochondriac's personal hell - I determine coughing blood is bad.

My path is clear; I must see a doctor. Doc, once I become familiar with him/her.

I've scheduled an appointment with a general practitioner less than 100 yards away from my apartment and have already filled out the corresponding new patient forms. When I arrive to the office, the receptionist, Judy, greets me with a smile. The office is generically quaint, with just the right amount of home decor magazines (that fucking no one reads because why) tastefully strewn about. Save for myself there are no other patients. Judy asks for my paperwork. "All filled out?"

"Yes," I reply, proud of myself for not procrastinating on an assignment for once.

"Excellent." She takes out a butane lighter and sets my paperwork aflame. I chide myself for deeming it urgent to not die from internal bleeding. "Sorry, your handwriting was super ugly. Eww!" She hands me another set of forms to fill out. 

After completing my new patient paperwork a second time, I am escorted to the back for measurements by a nurse whose name escapes me. She looks like a Tylenolisha. Hand to God I could fit my legs through her hoop earrings.

Tylenolisha measures me at 5'11" and as I step onto the weight scale, it reads 'well that's disappointing.' Tylenolisha then leads me into an empty room. "Alright Mr. Coats, Dr. Funk will see you in a minute." She braces for my reaction.

"Dr. Funk?"

She offers an exasperated sigh that feels both rehearsed and genuine. "Yes that is her name and no she does not enjoy the genre. Please do not mention it to her."

I immediately begin planning how to mention it to her. Dr. Funk sounds like a street basketball legend from the 70s, or a former lead singer trying a solo career from the 70s, or someone in their 70s from the 70s. If I let this opportunity pass me, if I don't attempt an odd reference or forced pun, then what the fuck am I doing with my life? This doctor is about to get funked (that was terrible, I'll fix it in post).

After a few minutes Dr. Funk enters the room. Her perfectly shaped afro dares me to not be an asshole. She is fixated on a series of forms on her clipboard. It is a few more deliciously awkward seconds before she acknowledges me.

"So, Dominic." Dr. Funk raises her eyes just above her clipboard. "I noticed under the question 'Do you think I'm pretty,' under yes and no you scribbled in a maybe box." 

"I... I've never met you before literally just now."

She turns dismissively towards some charts. "Sure hope someone doesn't get diagnosed with cancer today." Her bedside manner could use some improvement. Dr. Funk - or a jive talking detective from the 70s! - then takes out a stethoscope to check my heart and breathing. As she rests one hand on my inner thigh, I try and fail to will myself unconscious. "Now if you will breathe in..."

I breathe in.

"And breathe out."

I breathe out.

"Breathe in..."

I breathe in.

"And breathe out."

I breathe out.

"Let me nibble on your ear..."

I sit uncomfortably.

"And breathe out." It's been a while since my last doctor visit but I don't recall this much sexual tension. After a few more standard tests and a quick round of blood work Dr. Funk tells me the reason I have been coughing blood is because I was a ghost the entire time. She writes a prescription for Valium and sends me on my way. On the whole this appointment has been successful.

As I exit the office I stop in the doorway. "Doc?"


"I loved you in the Ohio Players."


Friday, June 24, 2016


Dr. McSassy: Mr. and Mrs. Fries, thank you for coming to my office today to discuss your daughter, Sara.

Nora: Thank you for the minor exposition, Dr. McSassy, we're glad to be here.

Victor: She's glad to be here.

Nora: Victor, please.

Dr. McSassy: Interesting. Sara often talked to me during our meetings how resistant and outright combative you are when discussing Sara's true identity, Mr. Fries.  

Victor: I'm combative because she's not a dragon. I feel like the only one who can see this.

Nora: What Victor meant to say was he is having trouble coming to terms with Sara's status as dragonkin. This is still very new to both of us.

Victor: Well, being a dragon is new but I've seen plenty of crazy in my life to know it when I see it.

Nora: Victor, please. 

Dr. McSassy: Victor - may I call you Victor?

Victor: Mr. Fries.

Dr. McSassy: Victor, dragonkin is a subset of the more overarching otherkin subculture. People who identify as dragonkin, or wolfkin, or elfkin, or what have you, genuinely believe they are dragons, or wolves, or elves. These people have existed for thousands of years. This phenomena is nothing new; what is new, however, is otherkin's willingness to be both seen and heard. No more are they relegated to the shadows. No more are they ostracized for following their beliefs. It is 2016, Victor. The time for otherkin is now.

Victor: Okay, to keep this as short as possible, I was under the impression you were going to cure Sara. It sounds to me like you're enabling her.

Nora: Sara isn't sick! She's just... being a dragon for a little bit.

Victor: She jumped out of her window trying to fly, Nora. When I lectured her that she can't fly because she doesn't have wings, she started spitting on me.

Dr. McSassy: Sara, utilizing her dragon instincts, was attempting to breathe fire on a perceived threat.

Victor: I'm her father.

Nora: I'm her mother!

Dr. McSassy: And I'm her therapist, and I'm telling you Sara is, for all intents and purposes, a dragon.

Nora: Doctor, my only concern-

Victor: You only have one concern?

Nora: My only concern is that Sara may have trouble with kids at school. She starts high school in a few months and I know this can be a difficult time for any teenager, let alone a teenager who is hoarding gold and keeping a watchful eye out for hobbits. Is her dragonkin-yness something we should keep at home, or should I talk to her teachers beforehand to accommodate her transition? 

Dr. McSassy: That is an excellent question, Mrs. Fries. Here's a Good Question Sticker.

Nora: Oh! It's so pretty!

Victor: Aww, I want stickers.

Dr. McSassy: School has proven to be a tricky situation for many otherkin. The most important thing to keep in mind - and you touched on this a bit - is to make sure that at least her home life is stable. Another tactic I have successfully implemented with other dragonkin is to have actors hired to act as peasantry outside the school, so if Sara needs to terrorize a small village to blow off some steam she is more than able to. I actually have an actor in mind, he's part of a troupe that has helped my clients in the past. Have you seen Doctor Who?

Nora: He was in Doctor Who?

Dr. McSassy: No, but he does own the complete box set, so if you want to watch a season just ask.

Victor: Alright, I've had enough. Sara should be obsessing over make up and boys, not scales and knights. Are you going to help my daughter or do we need to find a new therapist?   

Dr. McSassy: I'm beginning to get a better idea of the type of environment that has nurtured Sara's dragon persona to flourish and grow. The type of hostility and almost backwaters mentality I've witnessed today is entirely unacceptable in today's progressive society.

Victor: Oh, so I'm not progressive but Sara is? She talks all the time about how much she hates Jewish people. 

Dr. McSassy: Dragons are vehemently anti-Semitic. It's intrinsic and nothing can be done to change this - very important - aspect of their personality and culture. This is common knowledge.

Nora: Victor, you are sounding like a real asshole right now.   

Victor: Y'know what? You win. Sara's a dragon. She can fly, breathe fire, the whole package. As soon as we get home, I'll watch How to Train Your Dragon for pointers. Thank you, Doctor.

Dr. McSassy: You're being facetious but that's actually a pretty good idea. Toothless is an excellent role model for many dragonkin.

Nora: Again, thank you for meeting with us, Dr. McSassy.

Dr. McSassy: My door is always open. Except when I'm not here, because that would be silly. Now, if you'll excuse me my 12 o'clock should be here soon. I've been trying to convince her for the better part of a year that margarine isn't butter.

Woman in Waiting Room: You lie!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Many a dudebro relishes the opportunity to train chest or arms. These are the type of men who, with ironic t-shirts and unironic tribal tattoos, turn gyms across the country into adult daycares for the clinically narcissistic. In these douche havens arms are alternatively referred to as guns, pythons,  Season 3 & 4 of The Wire. Peacocking made mundane. As with most forms of showmanship, what lies beneath the panache is far more interesting. Or in this case, behind.

I'm talking about backs, bro.

From Atlas to Arnold, adversity has necessitated a powerful back. Backs are where we place our burden, carry our tribulations. To have a weak back is to have a weak constitution. There is little trust deserved to the man who cannot deadlift hella sick weight, bro. You wouldn't trust a barber with a fucked up haircut, would you? Or a fast food employee not suffering from depression? Then why, pray tell, are people with small backs given the time of day? 

Backs go unseen only to the uninitiated. A proper V-taper, the physical foundation upon which the prototypical man is built, is less an attribute seen and more a presence felt. It is why those lacking legendary lats inflate themselves like pufferfish. Pufferfish are not predators. Studies that have yet to be conducted confirm that men and women with sick lat spreads earn more money and live longer than their puny counterparts. Success should be measured in number of doorways you've had both shoulders brush against. 

Strong backs and calloused hands go together like gorillas and misplaced children. If one's lumbar region is well developed, then it stands to reason that one's work ethic and resolve is equally well developed. To have a powerful back is to be able to withstand all the world can throw at you. To be unbowed, unbent, unbroken (I've been watching a lot of Game of Thrones recently, sorry). There is a reason we hunch over when walking through storms. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Earlier this week I had a rather unpleasant encounter in a public bathroom at Target. As I was making my way to enter the restroom, I was stopped by a police officer who asked to see some form of identification. After showing him my driver's license he made me drop my pants to ensure I was indeed male. License is a bit old, he says. Need to be sure. He then cut the palm of my hand with a Valyrian steel knife and collected my blood in a macabre goblet made from those who "trespassed upon this room of bath with genitalia most untrue." I had to wait five days for the raven to return from the maester veryfing the maleness of my blood before I could even step foot into the restroom.  

Oh wait. None of that happened because I don't live in a comically Orwellian police state that deems it necessary to devote time and money to ensure that suburban mothers with suburban haircuts can rest easy knowing that dastardly perverts will have to find other locations to get their molestation fix. Like the child's home, where it normally happens.

Time and again I see the same two arguments brought up in defense of bathroom laws. Shit scriptures is a name I pitched a while ago to no avail. Transgender people are mentally ill or un-American and the end goal of any proposed legislation is to protect kids from those who would do them harm. Naturally, both are bullshit.

Let's disregard that transgender or third gender people have been observed in cultures around the world since the beginning of time and focus only on America's history with the T in LGBT. The term Two-Spirit is a sort of umbrella label for Native people who identify as trans, although the word's usage as an umbrella term is relatively recent. Years before the Trail of Tears (more social conservatism at work) many - not all - Native tribes had their own words for transgender people; for instance, someone born as a man who lives as a woman would be called winkte among the Lakota. Despite currently not being allowed to serve in the military, transgender men and women have served this country in conflicts ranging from Spanish to Iraqi. To the people taken aback by the current visibility of American trans people, relax. They aren't suddenly descending from the ether to make your trips to the bathroom more arduous; they've been quietly pooping next to you for the entirety of your existence.

The history of pedophiles is longer than the history of transgender men and women by like three hours. Pervs goin' perv. Those pedophiles you don't want using the restroom with your daughter? They've been a few feet away from your son for years. Besides, trans men and women aren't in the restroom to sexually assault your child. Spending five minutes googling "transgender murder statistics" will show you that trans people are being assaulted and killed at an alarmingly high rate. A transgender woman forced to use the men's restroom is subjecting herself to, at best, ridicule and, at worst, getting beaten to death. It's easy to remain dismissive of the inherent dangers a trans person faces every time they use the restroom because who actually cares about trannys? They're weird.

Using the protect-the-children defense is irritating, to say the least. If you really gave a shit about children you'd be funding safe driving and suicide prevention groups, seeing as those are the top two causes of death among children age 10-18. If you really gave a shit about children you'd be able to stop your neighbor or relative from molesting your child (of children who are molested, 89-91% are molested by a relative or friend of the family). The fact is, conservatives don't give a shit about the health and well-being of children. They are merely using kids as a bludgeon in their assault on Americans who just want to poop where their heart tells them to poop. 

While I wholeheartedly disagree with social conservatives, I hesitate to say their beliefs on the best direction for America is wrong. Rather, I tell them "you are going to be disappointed." Looking at the last 100 years of American history one sees social conservatism suffering defeat after defeat. Women can vote, black people can sit anywhere on a bus, gay people can get married, Tumblr exists (I chalk that last one as a collective loss, though). Social conservatives have turned into Monty Python's black knight, valiantly defending nothing that deserves defending and consistently failing. Y'all had one hell of a run during America's relatively brief lifespan, what with confining women to kitchens and imprisoning citizens because they've attended a showing of The Communist Manifesto: The Musical. However, all good things must come to an end. Social conservatism is dead. 

I for one look forward to progressive advancements in the years to come. I mean, can you imagine conservatives' faces when we get an actual Muslim president rather than a pretend-Muslim president? They'll shit enough bricks to build that fucking wall everyone wants. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016



Regardless of how much or little one enjoyed Batman v Superman, one must admit that the spectacle of its release has been nothing short of entertaining. The week preceding and following its premiere was filled with harsh reviews, staunch apologists, dank 'sad Affleck' memes, and multiple fatwas issued against future CGI antagonists. Y'know how at the beginning of every zombie flick they show a montage of shit hitting the fan? People rioting, news broadcasts telling of impending doom, etc. Basically just New Orleans on a Tuesday. That's exactly what the last two weeks has been like in this brave, new Batman v Superman world. It's wild on these streets, son!

While I unabashedly enjoyed the film I will be the first to admit that it was ripe with flaws and missed opportunities. However, the world needs another review of BvS like it needs another poorly realized social media app that serves little purpose beyond supporting this generation's infantile infatuation with stupid pop culture touchstones from 15ish years ago. I've decided to take a break from my busy schedule of uploading whenever the fuck I feel like it to discuss not just BvS as a film, but BvS as an event.

The story of Dawn of Justice is, despite being unnecessarily convoluted, pretty easy to follow. Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor work in parallel to destroy Superman, Lois Lane reports stuff, Wonder Woman has the difficult task of looking fabulous at all times, Doomsday is bastardized to serve as the movie's end boss. The complexity - or confusion - generated by the movie comes from both poor editing and expecting audiences to not only be familiar with comics, but to have actually read comics. The former is more difficult to defend than the latter. The scenes where Lois Lane was trying to squeeze info from a military dude (my brain says general but my heart says colonel) lasted maybe two minutes of screen time but was stretched out over 45 minutes. Or the dozens of brief and ultimately inconsequential conversations between characters interspersed between heavy-handed exposition.

Part of the reason the film is seen as inaccessible for casual moviegoers is because elements placed for lore or world building for this film would have merely been a light easter egg in a Marvel movie. Audiences, critics in particular, are fine with Adam Warlock's cocoon showing up in Guardians of the Galaxy or the organization A.I.M. being the front for an Iron Man 3 villain because neither of those tidbits are central to understanding their respective films' plots. But if a filthy casual strolls into BvS not knowing who Darkseid is or that the Speed Force allows for time travel or that Lex Luthor is a mad genius first and suave businessman second? Then they will definitely be lost and confused during critical junctures in the story.  

Also, fuck the reasoning for Batman and Superman fighting. "Yo Bats, they got my mom, foo." "Yo word? I love moms. Let's go get her. Btw my mom's dead lol." "Lol." See, I just avoided one of the most arbitrarily forced fights in cinema history. It would have been far more believable if a misguided Batman was temporarily working with Luthor to take down the Man of Steel, or if a misguided Superman was temporarily working with Luthor to take down the Dark Knight. The fight itself was killer, though.

Thematically, I'm mostly on board with Zack Snyder's interpretation of the DC universe. It's gritty realism walks the delightfully thin line of camp and commentary, something few superhero movies have done before. Which is why I wonder what exactly critics want from superhero movies. They say BvS is too dark, yet Nolan's Batman trilogy is infinitely more grim, more hopeless, than anything coming out of Snyder's brain. They say superhero films are too simple, yet seem incapable of following a dream sequence.

The vitriol of critics has been nothing in comparison to that of DC's most ardent fans. Death threats - death threats! - have been issued against many of those involved with BvS. If these dipshits would put down their e-cigs and loosen their fedoras for one fucking minute they would realize that criticism without construction is worthless. I mean, have we forgotten Batman Forever so quickly? Hell, even the Burton Batman films don't really hold up 20+ years later. Focus on what the film did well, and help to build on that. Eviscerating a decent film just because Jesse Eisenberg had a little snot bubble action going (seriously bro, wipe your nose) doesn't help anyone.  

I do worry of the future of superhero movies. Growing up, anything related to comic books was disregarded as juvenile and sophomoric. Those of us yearning to see Silver Surfer on the silver screen punching Galactus in the dick were forced to placate ourselves with dreadful live-action adaptations that quickly found their way to VHS bargain bins. Fortunately, the last 15 or so years has seen a superhero movie renaissance. Sure, we had to suffer through Punisher: War Zone and Green Lantern but we also received The Wolverine, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man 2.

As with any medium superhero films are now past their awkward adolescent phase and are free to pursue more complex and morally ambiguous storytelling. There's no longer a need for every film to be a wink-wink-look-how-fucking-self-aware-we-are-about-making-a-superhero-film origin story wherein the main antagonist is both introduced and dies in under an hour. We can finally have movies where superheroes are a component of the story rather than the crux, movies that use capes as allegory rather than CGI spectacle. My fear, though, is that if a film such as BvS, a film that despite it's shortcomings genuinely tries to move the genre forward, is reduced to ash from the righteous flames of Rotten Tomatoes, then all the progress superhero films have made will be for naught. They shall go the way of the western, with the occasional decent film every five years to remind people that they once enjoyed watching men leap tall buildings in a single bound. I pray that's not the case, because I still really want to see Silver Surfer punch Galactus in the dick.  

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Are you not feeling as cheery as you usually do? Finding it hard to partake in your favorite activities? Then it appears, impressionable reader, that you are suffering from the winter blues. The winter blues, also known as seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, and this-is-why-no-one-likes-to-be-around-you-Karen, is a fairly common mood disorder wherein an individual develops depression, anxiety, or similar symptoms between December and February. As the winter blues are very much tied to the weather, its prevalence varies from state to state; only 1.4% of Floridians suffer from seasonal depression whereas it affects nearly 10% of Alaskans. This concludes the wikipedia portion of this article. 

If you believe after a cursory internet search and a brief paragraph read that you may have seasonal affective disorder, then you are in luck. I am Dr. Coats, and I have watched The Secret dozens of times. This qualifies me to give life advice. Also I can sort of move things with my mind; unrelated to the topic at hand but it is interesting information nonetheless. Do with it as you please. Below you will find seven easy tips anyone can follow to help alleviate themselves of the dreadful winter blues.

1. Get active. Physical activity is not just good for your body, it's also good for your brain. People who regularly engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday report higher levels of happiness and lower levels of both depression and anxiety. Anything from lifting weights to going for a run counts. Get moving!

2. Listen to music. According to a 2013 study from the University of Missouri, listening to upbeat music can aid in improving one's mood. While listening to music one enjoys improves one's disposition to a certain extent, purposefully choosing the type of drivel that belongs on a Kidz Bop CD has the greatest overall benefits. For three moderately complicated payments of $9.99 I will send you my personal Get Happy mixtape, which is just 10 hours of "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. 

3. Public transportation. More and more research is showing that daily physical contact with other people is essential for a sound mind. Riding public transportation is a great chance to force such physical contact with another human being without being ridiculed for being an omega-level creep. Opt to ride during busy hours, sit a little too close to your fellow passengers, walk to the back of a crowded train/bus to brush across as many people as possible. The unwanted yet unavoidable physical contact combinations are endless. 

4. People watch. Go to a park, a beach, a mall, anywhere large amounts of people congregate. Focus in on particularly interesting looking people, and imagine what their lives are like. Imagine how happy they currently are. Imagine how many loved ones they have waiting for them back home. Imagine how fulfilling, exciting,  and rewarding their professional careers must be. Continue imagining as they walk past the horizon out of your eyesight, out of your life. 

5. Stare up at the ceiling. Any ceiling will do, although your living room ceiling is the most accessible ceiling for most people. Turn your fan on a low to moderate setting and just watch it turn. Around and around always, with a slight wobble that you really should get fixed but won't. As you watch the fan spin, reminisce on your life thus far. Zero in on the mistakes, the mishaps. A word spoken too softly here, an action done too late there, a nigh endless series of cosmically irrelevant failures, one after the other. Think of the choices you could have made. The choices you should have made. Stare up at the ceiling, and think.   

6. Go out for a walk. Some fresh air will do you good, you tell yourself. Maybe some time to clear your head. You leave your home, avoiding eye contact with your neighbors as you usually do. So you walk, in no particular direction, expecting some sort of clarity to reveal itself and put you on the right path. It never comes, but you aren't really surprised, are you? That good things refuse to come out of your head? It was a stupid idea, so stupid. Relax, your frustration is visible on your face. That's why everyone is staring at you. Or are they? Can they read you so easily? Left foot right foot, stay in a straight line. You've fucked up everything else in your life, don't fuck up walking, too. Everything in your life. Even her. Especially her. With each day that goes by it gets harder to remember her face, to remember her voice. The last time you called her she told you she was doing well. Job is going great and Jr looks more and more like his dad. She tells you to visit, see her and her family. You couldn't tell if that was sincerity or condescension in her voice, but you declined all the same. She is finally happy and you know it has everything to do with your absence. That's sort of a pattern for you, isn't it? People get better the less you are involved. Maybe you shouldn't be involved in anyone's life anymore. Maybe that's why you walked all the way to this bridge. Maybe in your heart your knew that this was the only viable solution. You entertain the idea but turn around, unsure if that makes you brave or a coward. Such ruminations are to be left for another time. For now you will return to the suffocating silence of your home, to cook for one, to sleep alone. 

7. Bake. Baking something yummy is a surefire way to cheer anyone up. Cookies and fudge and cupcakes, oh my! My fav dessert right now is my Triple Dark Chocolate Brownies recipe. So good, you'll forgive yourself for being so bad! Four sassy finger snaps out of five!

If all else fails assume the fetal position, cry, and hope you run out of tears before March. 

Dr. Coats